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Why are convection heaters more and more popular?
Edit:Shenyang North Noor Electric Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2018-08-29

What is a convection heater ? Why are convection heaters more and more popular? With the improvement of living standards and the pursuit of quality of life, some young people and their parents have different concepts of enjoying life, food, clothes, transportation and even heating. However, in today's heating market, there are many varieties of electric heaters, and not all electric heaters can be the favorite products of most people. So, what kind of electric heater can be the dish for most people? Today, I will introduce you to one of the most popular electric heaters, the convection heater .

A convection heater is a heating method that uses a heating element to heat air and then dissipate heat. At the bottom of the convection heater , there is an air inlet for absorbing cold air, and heating element heating, hot air It will be released from the top of the heater.

The convection heater uses aerodynamics to keep the heating from bottom to top, natural convection, and ergonomic comfort. Therefore, the hot and cold air forms a cycle in the room. Naturally, the heating will be sent to every corner of the room. The heating will not cause uneven heat and cold, and there will be no air turbidity and considerable comfort. At the same time, no high temperature components are exposed and no burns will occur. Therefore, this is a healthy, comfortable and safe electric heater.

Of course, convection heaters are not perfect, although most convection heaters generate heat in 3 seconds, but the air circulation process is relatively slow and the heating rate is higher than those of the exposed heaters. It is relatively slow, and in the absence of heat storage, the room temperature will drop rapidly after a power outage.


Address:4-15-1, Block C, Shenyang Fortune Center, 55 North Station Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang  TelePhone:4000330545  MobilePhone:12482512397
