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Under the background of low-carbon demand for energy consumption, household electric heating manufacturers have a tendency to gradually adopt large-scale applications, and will become an important adjustable load resource in the operation of power systems. A method for assessing the adjustable capacity of household electric heating load based on temperature forecasting is proposed, which provides an important reference for the users of electric heating manufacturers to participate in grid load regulation. The method is based on the transient thermal equilibrium relationship model of the household electric heating manufacturer , introduces the temperature parameter of the numerical weather prediction for a certain period of time, performs simulation calculation, and evaluates the load of the household electric heating manufacturer under the temperature range satisfying the human body comfort period. Adjust the ability, and verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation method through specific examples. For electric heating manufacturers , due to the thermal inertia (heat storage and heat conduction) of the heating building wall and the thermal inertia of the internal environment (the hysteresis of temperature change), the temperature control range of the building changes due to the temperature comfort requirements. The change in energy supply has the elasticity of energy demand. When assessing the load regulation capability of large-scale electric heating manufacturers , the differences among different electric heating individuals are neglected, and the common factors affecting their regulation characteristics are surrounding. This paper establishes a standard user model to evaluate the load adjustment ability of electric heating users, and proposes a method for assessing the adjustable capacity of household electric heating load based on temperature prediction. The method is based on the household electric heating transient thermal equilibrium relationship model, introduces the temperature parameter of numerical weather prediction for a certain period of time, and evaluates the load adjustability of the household electric heating manufacturer under the temperature range satisfying the human body comfort period. The design example and simulation results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The modeling of electric heating load is the basis of electric heating participation in demand response, including building user thermodynamic modeling and electric heating conversion of electric heating [13]. The former describes the time-varying relationship between the indoor temperature of the building and the heat supply, and the latter constructs a quantitative relationship between heat and power. Together, they establish the intrinsic link between indoor temperature and power.
system. In the construction of the thermodynamic model of standard users, the energy transfer between the environment and the building is considered comprehensively, taking into account the difference between the indoor air, the external wall and the internal wall temperature, and the temperature variables and related parameters of the working state are established. State equation.
Evaluate the adjustable capacity of household electric heating load, introduce the temperature parameter of numerical weather prediction for a certain period of time according to the defined index of load adjustable capacity, and evaluate the temperature satisfying human body comfort through electric heating dynamic model. The method of adjusting the load capacity of household electric heating under the interval. In order to better explain the content of this paper, the other parameters involved in the paper are as follows: T1, T2,..., Tk, Tk+1... The temperature sequence obtained in the future for a certain period of time based on numerical weather prediction; TT0 is the initial indoor temperature; P0 is the power value that maintains the indoor temperature as T0; Psn is the maximum heating power of the household electric heating manufacturer ; [Tdown, Tup] Indicates the indoor temperature thermal comfort interval.
Address:4-15-1, Block C, Shenyang Fortune Center, 55 North Station Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang TelePhone:4000330545 MobilePhone:12482512397